Saturday, May 09, 2009

What NOT To Do On a Golf Course

So last weekend I played at Torrey South, and played with one of the most annoying persons (that doesn't sound correct, but I'm going with it) ever! There was so many things that I actually had to start taking notes so that I wouldn't forget everything. So here we go:

  1. Your golf bag has individual dividers AND the plastic tubes for each club
  2. You tell me the yardage I have in, right as I am about to pull the trigger on my shot
  3. You stand right behind the cup while I am trying to putt
  4. You are talking about what you "could" shoot, while walking down the 6th hole
  5. You mention you hit that last shot "perfect" but these damn "new technology" clubs correct the draw you were trying to hit
  6. You wait until it's your turn to putt to mark, clean, and read your putt
  7. You carry The Perfect Club, which is sold off an infomercial
  8. You swing so hard that you actually spin out of your stance
  9. You use a GPS yardage device inside of 50 yards
  10. After a fellow golfer hits a great chip to inside a foot, and they proceed to pick it up, you say "Good 2 Putt"
  11. You carry 5 balls in your pocket. Then when you go to tee off, you pull them all out of your pocket and choose which one you want to hit
  12. And lastly, you "CARRY" an Igloo Cooler (like a little kid with a lunch box) along for 18 holes
All of these things were done by the same man last weekend. And things like this annoy me! Thus I am informing everyone out there, so when you do play some golf with me, you don't look like an idiot and piss me off!


Friday, May 01, 2009

Nater Goes Tour Authentic

So if you have been looking at my Fuzzyshot's Photo Blog, you may have seen some photos of my new sticks. Well here are some better ones:

And the Coup de grâce!

I am going to throw a Mitsubishi Fubuki in the driver. It will be built up on Monday. I am super excited!
