Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sony a290 DSLR

Sony is realeasing a new entry level DSLR very soon called the a290. It will be replacing the current a230.

So if anyone is looking for an entry level DSLR the a200 should be going on clearence really soon! There is already rumors that certain Walmarts have dropped them down to $200!

Slick Nater

Thursday, May 13, 2010


So I have now been couponing for about two months. I started to collect coupons from the mail. I get a Sunday paper every week now. Even brought home a notebook to organize them in... Well I think I am starting to get the hang of things! Here is the latest haul, which could be bigger if I go back tomorrow!

So here is what is in this awesome photo (and by the way we love cereal...):

Frosted Mini Wheats (5)
Fruit Loops (1)
Rice Krispies (2)
Jacks (5)
Corn Pops (2)
Frosted Flakes (2)
Corn Flakes (2)
Comb (1)

Reese's Cups (2)
Schick Hydro 5 (2)
Right Guard Total
Defense (4)

Lets just say the cereal on average costs about $2.50 per box normally. The normal total for the above picture would be $86.50.

Ready for this.....

I paid $9.60

That's Right!

$9.60 a 89% savings.

Slick Nater