Sunday, August 12, 2007

For Fantasy League Only (Sorry for the Descrimination, but this is important stuff...)

Here are the polls that you guys need to take. This will iron out the details of the league.

When would you like the Online Draft to be?
Sunday Aug 26 (8:45pm)
Monday Aug 27
Sunday Sep 3 (7:45pm) free polls
(times are first come first serve, so there is
a possibility that these times (9/3) might not be available come Wed night)

Do You Want to Make This a Money League, $5 per player?
No thanks. I am a wuss.
Sure. $25 for 1st, $15 for 2nd, $10 for 3rd.
Ya. $30 for 1st, $15 for 2nd, $5 for 3rd.
You Betchya. $35 for 1st, $15 for 2nd.
Hell Ya. I am going to kick all your asses. Winner take all!


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