Saturday 17th: Lip starts to swell lightly
Tuesday 20th: Lip swells bigger and really starts to hurt

Wednesday 3:30 am: Lip is HUGE need to go to the ER, get an IV of antibiotics
1:00 pm: Get a picc line inserted in my right arm

Thursday 8am: Nurse comes to my house and shows me how do my own IV

And pretty much thats where we stand... So here is my daily routine:
6:30am - Wake up and pull my IV out of the fridge to warm up
8:00am - Flush my picc line with Saline fluid, start my 2hr IV of Vancomyacin
10:00am - Finish IV, flush picc line with Saline, inject Hepperin blood thinner to keep my picc line from clotting
10:30am - Take a Sulfameth prescription tablet

11am to 6pm - Feel like shit...
6:30pm - Pull my IV out of the fridge to warm up
8:00pm - Flush my picc line with Saline fluid, start my 2hr IV of Vancomyacin
10:00pm - Finish IV, flush picc line with Saline, inject Hepperin blood thinner to keep my picc line from clotting
10:30pm - Take a Sulfameth prescription tablet
1 comment:
smile, flush, repeat!! Take care of yourself! xo
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