Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Hello My Name is Nate. And I Have an Addiction.

I have developed this new addiction from somewhere, and I dont know where. I have an addiction to buying bottles of wine.

I know this doesn't sound that weird, but I hardly ever drink wine. Yes I do like it, but I hardly ever drink it. Mainly because I am the only one in this house that drinks wine, if I wanted to open a bottle I would have to drink the whole thing. Not that that is a bad thing, but I find it hard to drink a whole bottle of wine by myself. I know I could put it in the fridge...but I would probably never get around to finishing it.

What to do......



Anonymous said...

are you kidding me? the addiction is passed from your grandma, mother and sister... hello! lush runs through your blood

Anonymous said...

Great! Now that it's "out of the bag". You can get those rubber stoppers, with a thingie that sucks the air out, so they can store longer, but personally, I have never tried them! ;-)

Anonymous said...

OK. So that was your MOM!!