Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Its Official. I am a Janitor.

The other day at work I was the one to close up the Player Services area, since I am helping them out down there for a while. Well I got 2 new keys to go to my collection to lock up. So the grand total of keys for me at work is 16, thats right 16 keys to close up a little shop at a golf course. And thats even not the best part.

The funny thing is, is that they are all normal door keys and are all the exact same! Someone was smart enough to come up with a nice little alpa-numeric code so we would know where each key goes. Too bad the system makes no sense at all. For example the 'B' key goes to the side door, the '1' key goes to the inside officies, the 'H' key goes to the upstairs offices....and itjust goes randomly like that all over. For some places they even mix in numbers and letters.

So basically I now just go to a door and try key after key until I get the right one. All I need now is one of those key chains that latch to a belt loop with a rectractable cord.....SWEET


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