Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sorry For The Delay

Well it has now been over a week since I have had in internet connection. Man I am an internet junky...

The drive down absolutely sucked! It took me 14 hours to get to Sacramento and another 12 to get to Oceanside. And all that time in the cab of a truck that just constantly shook. I swear I felt like driving it off the road and crashing it, then just calling the insurance company and getting everything replaced.

My first week of work was ok. My team seems really cool, we all get a long really well. We don't have much to do since almost all of our equipment is still in Chicopee... So we have just been sitting around and trying to debug our indoor test range (ITR). We did all go play golf Sunday morning, not a good thing. I was happy to go play, but I have only played 1.5 rounds since early September and I haven't been practicing at all.

So it went really well... I just barely broke 90... HA! Too bad the rest of my team knows my golf handicap, so they were expecting a little bit more. So I will have to make up for that.

Anyways I got some pics taken, but I will have to wait to post them when I get my own internet connection on Tuesday. Later.


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