Thursday, April 19, 2007

More Tax Fun

I finally got my taxes done on Tuesday, thats right, the day they were due. I have always been done early but this year sucked.

Little note to everyone, NEVER go into HR Block. They are utterly useless! It cost me $300 to get my taxes "done". Which basically consisted of someone typing in numbers. Which I wouldn't mind if they knew what was going on... There were many times where they would ask me a question that was on their screen and I would say, "Not sure, what should I look for?" And I got a response back like, "Not sure what do you think?"

I could have received the same help from their software that is $25, instead I decided to pay someone to type numbers in for me...

I am angry about this! You would think that going in would provide more help than just using the software, so I am going to write a long email to them with a serious complaint. Because I am scared I will get audited now... I caught them 3 times in mistakes, had to mention it to them, then they would fix it. So since I was doing their work do I get a discount?


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