Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Next Educational Hurdle

Well I found a program that I want to take, and it's at the school that I really wanted to go to! YAY UW!

The University of Washington Certificate in Engineering Leadership

Its 4 Graduate Level courses that are taken online. They consist of:

Navigating the Business Environment (IND E 599)
Technical Leadership (IND E 599)
Decision Analysis in Engineering (IND E 599)
Project Performance (IND E 599)

You can learn more about the program HERE.


Friday, December 04, 2009

New Callaway TOURi Series Website

So we have finally announced the debut of our new "FANTASTIC" golf balls this winter. Click on the balls below to be taken to our new website to find out more info:

By the way... I have been playing these balls for the last 2 months, and they are unfucking believable!


Monday, November 09, 2009

Callaway TOURi(s) Debut

This last weekend the PGA Tour was in Shanghai, China for the HSBC World Golf Championships. It was the first week that the new Callaway TOUR balls were put into play. And they started off with a bang!

Ernie Els ended up shooting a course record-tying 63 with the new TOURi(s) to put pressure on Phil Mickelson. But a clutch par after a whiff on the 16th, and a stellar birdie at 17th, left Phil with only a needed par on the par 5 18th. Phil did what he normally does and keeps things exciting by driving into the rough off the tee. But with a lag putt that stopped a foot from the hole, he secured his par, 2nd World Golf Championship this year, and 4th victory of 2009.

Ryan Moore stayed calm, cool, and collected to place 3rd using the TOURi(s). Not bad for only getting the balls delivered on Wednesday...

You can read the official Callaway Golf press release here:

Ernie was so excited after the round he called our Pro Tour rep in the middle of the night! The "expletives removed" quote was in the above press release, but here is the actual statement:
“Did you here what I said? That ball is fucking unbelievable! This is the ball that I have been waiting for. Did you see the tournament? Did you see how my short game was and how my iron shots were? I told you when I saw this ball at Akron that we would do something and I wish I could have pulled off a win for you. Tell those marketing guys that I made a hole in one on the second day I ever played with it and they should run a story. I can’t wait to get going next year. That ball is unbelievable.“
That is the best quote I have ever read!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Staph Update

So here is a timeline for everyone:

Saturday 17th: Lip starts to swell lightly
Tuesday 20th: Lip swells bigger and really starts to hurt

Wednesday 3:30 am: Lip is HUGE need to go to the ER, get an IV of antibiotics
1:00 pm: Get a picc line inserted in my right arm

Wednesday 4pm: Get 2nd IV of antibiotics
Thursday 8am: Nurse comes to my house and shows me how do my own IV

And pretty much thats where we stand... So here is my daily routine:

6:30am - Wake up and pull my IV out of the fridge to warm up
8:00am - Flush my picc line with Saline fluid, start my 2hr IV of Vancomyacin
10:00am - Finish IV, flush picc line with Saline, inject Hepperin blood thinner to keep my picc line from clotting
10:30am - Take a Sulfameth prescription tablet

11am to 6pm - Feel like shit...
6:30pm - Pull my IV out of the fridge to warm up
8:00pm - Flush my picc line with Saline fluid, start my 2hr IV of Vancomyacin
10:00pm - Finish IV, flush picc line with Saline, inject Hepperin blood thinner to keep my picc line from clotting
10:30pm - Take a Sulfameth prescription tablet


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Team Awesome's Wedding

Last weekend we went to Paso Robles to attend Emily and Damion's wedding. It was scorching! Can you say 109? In Suits... Can Ya? Well even though it was hot, it was a good time and a great wedding.

They had an incredible photog crew that made an AWESOME small video of the wedding that they showed at the end of the night.

Here it is:

Damion and Emily from Ben Potter & Drew Barefoot.

All I can say is WOW! And I hope when this gets done for us that it doesn't seem old to all of the people that went this spectacular wedding.

Congratulations Emily and Damion!


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Megan's Beautiful Wedding

Congratulations Megs!

Monday, August 03, 2009

AMEX Rules

So if you don't have a cash back credit card, you need to get one. I have the AMEX Blue Cash card and use it for absolutely everything. I then pay it off at the end of the month, therefore no interest...

Not only do I end up with only 1 bill, I get a nice broken down yearly summary of my account and spending. And then there is the cash back, here is a shot of my annual reward:

That's right! Over $200 cash back, and it didn't cost me a dime!


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pause Eject Rewind

So one of my buddies from high school and the golf team is the lead singer for the band Pause Eject Rewind. They will be releasing an album this summer called "Through the Fire". They posted the first single and it's pretty darn good!

Can't wait to hear the rest of the album Tommy!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Better Than Finding $5 in Your Pocket!

Finding $60 in your pocket!!!

Ok here is the back story...

On our flight home from Ireland, I had placed some cash in me glasses soft case and the soft case in my pocket. When we got in we were very tired and I thought I checked all the seat pockets and around my seat... Well the next morning I couldn't find my glasses case and I was hating myself for losing $60!

For the next 2 days I looked through everything while I unpacked and came to the conclusion that I just left it on the plane and made somebody's day. I had come to terms with it and was even ok with it.

Flash forward to Sat June 13th, and I was walking into a store to browse around and I reach into my pocket for no reason. I feel a napkin in there, not knowing how long it had been in there I pulled it out to throw it in the trash. And low and behold there is my glasses case hiding underneath it. I was stoked!

You may have saw the pic on my Fuzzyshots...


Saturday, May 09, 2009

What NOT To Do On a Golf Course

So last weekend I played at Torrey South, and played with one of the most annoying persons (that doesn't sound correct, but I'm going with it) ever! There was so many things that I actually had to start taking notes so that I wouldn't forget everything. So here we go:

  1. Your golf bag has individual dividers AND the plastic tubes for each club
  2. You tell me the yardage I have in, right as I am about to pull the trigger on my shot
  3. You stand right behind the cup while I am trying to putt
  4. You are talking about what you "could" shoot, while walking down the 6th hole
  5. You mention you hit that last shot "perfect" but these damn "new technology" clubs correct the draw you were trying to hit
  6. You wait until it's your turn to putt to mark, clean, and read your putt
  7. You carry The Perfect Club, which is sold off an infomercial
  8. You swing so hard that you actually spin out of your stance
  9. You use a GPS yardage device inside of 50 yards
  10. After a fellow golfer hits a great chip to inside a foot, and they proceed to pick it up, you say "Good 2 Putt"
  11. You carry 5 balls in your pocket. Then when you go to tee off, you pull them all out of your pocket and choose which one you want to hit
  12. And lastly, you "CARRY" an Igloo Cooler (like a little kid with a lunch box) along for 18 holes
All of these things were done by the same man last weekend. And things like this annoy me! Thus I am informing everyone out there, so when you do play some golf with me, you don't look like an idiot and piss me off!


Friday, May 01, 2009

Nater Goes Tour Authentic

So if you have been looking at my Fuzzyshot's Photo Blog, you may have seen some photos of my new sticks. Well here are some better ones:

And the Coup de grâce!

I am going to throw a Mitsubishi Fubuki in the driver. It will be built up on Monday. I am super excited!


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Carlsbad 5000

About a week and a half before this Sunday, I slightly over stretched my Achilles. Thus, I was thinking I wasn't going to do very well in this run. And this is my first official run ever.

Since the run was at 11:30, it was fairly hot, about 75 degrees. This mad it a little bit harder since I don't usually run in the mid day...

It turned out fairly well. As you can see from my Nike+ log on the right, I ran the 5k in just under 25 mins! I was just hoping to beat 30 mins, so I am happy with this.

The only bad thing about the run was there was a beer garden afterwards that all runners got 2 free beers at. Well they didn't tell us we had to get our beers before the liquor license ran out at 1pm! We decided to get a bite to eat before the beers... We ended up being the very first people in line to not get thier beers.

Other than that, it was a good day. More photos are over at my FuzzyShot page, link is on the side bar.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

St Patrick's Day - Dublin Style

Here is the picture album from our trip to Dublin.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

My New Weapon!

So I got my new FT-9 i-mix! I am stoked! Got it they other day and hit a few shots, this could be a great club. We'll have to see how it performs on the course...


Friday, February 27, 2009

Dublin + St Patricks Day + Guiness = FUN

If you haven't heard, Karen and I got a kick-ass deal on airfare to Dublin, Ireland. And when I say kick-ass, I mean Slick Nater kick ass. How does $460 RT sound?

I never keep my deals secret! You noticed the airfare widget on the right side... Well thats from AirFareWatchdog and their website always finds the lowest prices. Back in January I found $380 RT to Germany, too bad the dates didn't work for us...

Anyways back to the trip. We are going to go from the night of March 11th to March 18th. Should be tons of fun with St Pattys day on the 17th!


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Carlsbad Half Marathon

Here are the photos from Karen's half marathon last weekend.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ernie Els Story

Here is the story as to why Ernie wanted to come over to Callaway Golf.


Monday, January 05, 2009

Callaway Golf Update

So there are few headlines from my company lately. First off we signed Stuart Appleby today.

We also signed a HUGE new talent, Vicky Hurst. This girl is going to rock!

And last and not least, we also just bought a GPS company... We bought a small new tech company here in Carlsbad called uPro GPS.

Anyways, that's lots of news for today. If you want to read the news articles for each one, just like most my posts, just click on the picture to go to the story.