Thursday, February 16, 2006

Golf Channel Big Break V

So I was watching the first episode of the Big Break the other day when as a late addition they brought on a girl that looked really familiar to me. I couldn't place her but she looked familiar to me.

Her name is Julie Wells, and I just could not place her... Then I was reminded the other day that she worked under Steve at the Reserve! I don't really remember her because it was just my first few months and there was so many new people for me to get to know.

I do remember her now that I have thought about it for a while. I even had lunch with her once and played a couple holes with her. Man when I get old I won't remember anything!!!

Anyways watch Big Break its a good little reality show that all comes down to how you play the game. And remember to root for Julie!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forgot to tell you she was at the Portland Golf Show last weekend, signed autographs, but I didn't want to wait in line. She did good on the first show. Drained a chip shot, I think from a bunker!?