So here is my current dilemma. Currently I am an independent contractor for Nike Golf and do demo days. Ok great for the summer, but now that it is fall what happens. Well Brent has assured me that he could get me enough work to pay my bills, and then some. Not as good as summer time, but I will at least be in the black.
And now there are a few other choices... I was called today by a Lattice Semiconductor, guess I applied for a job a few weeks ago and they seem interested. And there is also a Nike Golf Customer Service Rep position that opened up, which I applied for and thanks to Keeley will have an interview for. Now this is where things get interesting... Once again I have heard through the grapevine that a position will be opening up in the Golf Ball R&D Department next spring.
Now by taking a position outside of Nike Golf (i.e. Lattice Semiconductor), I would not be as closely tied with Nike Golf. I would still be able to do demo days on the weekends though. This would be good since I would get paid like an Engineer, get experience as an Engineer, and still keep in some contact with Nike Golf. But if a position opens up in the spring, and I get it, would it be (what's the term I am looking for here... ethical??) to leave an Engineering position after like 6 months?
And if I take the Nike Golf CSR position, I will be closely knit with all the Nike Golf people. But I will get paid terribly, be working the phones, and doing something I most likely would not like. But I would like the work atmosphere, love the people I am working with (have known or met almost all of them), and be working close with the people I want to work with.
Or there is the last thing. Keep doing what I am doing and have tons of free time, make enough money to get by, play lots of golf, go snow skiing, go to Italy for like 3 to 4 weeks... Basically have a dream job, without the BIG bucks.
So since I still have interviews to go to next week. And I really shouldn't make decisions until I have to. I have created a poll. What would you recommend I do? Assume I have received offers for both the Lattice Engineering position and the Nike Golf CSR position.